Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access

Kurt Clarkson races to keep the bal l from a Davenport opponent in the season opener which the Jackets won, 3-0. SOCCER - Front row: T. Henrich, J. Stanley, J. Wilson, J. Franzese, M. Solano, T. Parker, A. Beach, S. Eguchi, E. Winans, L. Shultis. Second row: R. Kalweit, J. House, T. Brienza, L. Close, K. Clarkson, J. Austin, D. 105 Right wing Larry Close executes a difficult scissor kick to keep the ball in bounds and set up a teammate for a goal. Parker, J. Sheesley, G. Daley, C. Hale, E. Rowley, D. Lynch. Third row: R. House, manager, K. Leydon, P. Squaires, M. Oliver, R. Jordan, D. Wiedeman, F. Chase, J. Hawley, D. Clark, Mr. Charles Maben, coach.