Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access

JV BASKETBALL-Front Row: S. Quackenbush, B. Sanchez, S. Parsons, M. Nader, R. Kniskern . Second Row: M. Super, manager, C. Terbush, R. McVinney, M. Greeley, R. Fritz, B. Frieman, manager. Third Row: J. Jacket jayvees Rich Kniskern, Tod Bowles and Skip Hader move into good rebounding position on a shot by John Maloney. 108 Maloney, D. Harder, W. O'Malley, T. Bowles, V. Franco, Mr. Nicholas Lambros, coach. Junior Jackets Finish 11-5 Win 10 Iroquois Outings The JV basketball team finished the season with an 11-5 record, winning ten of their 14 league encounters. The Yellowjackets were led by Steve Parsons, Tad Bowles, and Skip Nader, who scored 14.3, 11.4, and 10.0 points per game, respectively. JV BASKETBALL OHS Opponents 76 ........................ Fronkfort ......................................32 62 ......... .............. . Little Foils ............. .. .....................37 72 .. ..... . .. . . ... . ... .. .. . Herkimer .......................................32 62 ....................... . Binghamton Central ........................50 78 ..... . . •.. . ........... .. Mohawk .......................................46 62 ....................... . Rome Catholic . ............................. .61 38 ..... ....... ..... . ... . . . Ilion ... ....... . .. ....... . ......... .. ......... .43 54 ............... . ....... . Norwich .......................................34 76 ...................... .. Frankfort ......................................34 67 .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . Montrose .. _..................................70 64 .................. . ..... Little Foils ....................................36 65 ........................ Herkimer ... ................. ..................55 44 . .. .. . ............ .. .... Mohawk .... . ..................................59 39 ........................ Rome Catholic ................................48 67 ........................ Ilion .................. ........ ... .............29 64 . ....................... Norwich .......................................59