Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access
RIFLE-D. Magellan, L. Salisbury, J. Gallusser, J. Wilson, Mr. Mochael Zagata, coach, M. Oeleski, G. Catella, R. Frost, R. Jordan, S. Wakin. Bowlers Earn Trophy Points; Riflers Second In Section The bowling team, selected this year primar– ily in view of the results of the intramural bowling program, was a vital part of the unde– feated winter sports team. Led by Terry Brienza and John Babbitt, the bowlers contributed a good number of All-Sport Trophy points to the Jacket tally each week. The Yellowjacket rifle team finished the season with an admirable record of six wins and six losses. After a shakey start, the Jackets came back to wind up the season with four victories in their last six encounters. At the end of the season, the team placed second in Section Ill competition. The best ten shooters from this section, including some from the Jacket squad, then went on to Intersectional Meet and placed second. Earning major sport status, the rifle team was awarded varsity letters for the year. 111 BOWLING~ront Row: L. Brienza, R. Smith, J. Rudloff, W Skellie, W. Stewart, R. Whote, G. Bennett, J Babbitt. Second Row: 0 Wood, T. Collins, Mr. Stanley Houck.
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