Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access

Winter Sports Undefeated With Five Wins, Two Ties The four teams that make up the winter sports program, badminton, bowling, table ten– nis, and volleyball, pooled their efforts and came up with an undefeated season. The Yellowjackets compiled a 5-0-2 record, beating all league competitors except Norwich and Frankfort, both of which they tied, 20-20. Points scored in winter sports contests are important because they are tallied when the All– Sport Trophy points are compiled . WINTER SPORTS OHS Opponents 25 ... ... .... ................. Mohawk ................................... . 15 20 .......... ..... . .. ......... Norwich .................................... 20 30 ...................... .. ... Ilion .... .. ...................................10 30 ... ......... .... ...... .. .. . Rome Catholic ....... ............ ......... 10 30 ........ .. .. .... .. ......... Herkimer .. ........................ ......... 10 20 . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . Frankfort ..................... .... . ......... 20 30 ..... ................... ... little Falls ..... .......... ............ ..... . 10 Badminto~ront row, D. Parker, D. Coons, R. Hall. Second row: R. House, Mr. Thomas Schermerhorn, coach, J. House. 113 Ed Winans spikes the ball into the net in a futile attempt to score during volleyball competition in the gym.