Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access

Darrell Sanchez, a junior, hits a long fly ball in the Ilion game. The Yellowjackets bowed to the Golden Bombers, 2-1. BASEBALI.,....Front row: D. Erbe, J. Goodrich, T. Parsons, L. Bnenza, L. Boschett1, P Cerra Second row: G. McGurl, E. Syron, F. Corraro, G. 116 All Ilion third baseman attempts to put out Terry Brienza, a junior, in one of the most important games of the season. Leach, G. Scutt, M. Mastro. Third row: Mr. Bernard Lull, coach, R. Harlem, J. LeSuer, D. Sanchez, C. Oelberta, G Daley, B Bree, manager.