Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access
GARDNER'S MUSIC SHOP Oneonta's Complete Music Dealer "at the sign of the eighth note on Broad Street" 432-2874 5 Broad Street Oneonta Pot Holpm admires Don Grotz as he tries on a winter coot in Winans, known for high quality clothing for all occasions. WINANS MEN'S SHOP 233 Main Street 432-6652 135 The bearer of this cord is entitled to a 10% discount for yard goods purchased for school project. (Discount does not apply to special soles merchandise.) Nome ______________________________ School ------------------------------ Instructor ---------------"'PProved,_____ SHO MATHEWS FOR QUALITY "selling leading specialty store fashions to Oneonta High School girls for over 40 years." 167 Main Street 432-1272 ]. C. PE1VNEY 265 ~l ain treet 432-4900 Frew's Bakery 151 Main Street 432-3733
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