Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access
The mythical kingdom of Camelot, brought to the stage by imaginative scenery and elaborate costumes, provided the perfect setting for the famed tale of King Arthur, his young queen Guenevere, and the Knights of the Round Table. Dealing with the serious theme of the quest for right, honor, and justice, the musical oroduction was the most dramatically difficult one ever attempted by the varsity choir. A 22-piece orchestra accompanied the choir and, wit~ the help of eight backdrops and nine trunks of costumes, created the fanciful mood. Comic relief in the form of King Pellinore and his huge dog, Horrid, heightened various scenes, while the glittering pink tree emphasized the fairytale atmosphere. Camelot, representing long weeks of hard work by the principals, the varsity choir, the art and shop departments, the orchestra, and the stage crew, delighted over two thousand. 12
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