Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access

Class of 1968 salutes one hundredth year centennial This school year marks the centenn ial for the publ ic high school in Oneonta. As the one hund red years terminated , the graduating class made important firsts in their goal to make the year memorable. Sixteen members of the sen ior class re– ceived Letters of Commendation for their per– formance on the National Merit Scholarship Examination. In magazine sales, the persistent seniors set a new school record by exceed ing all previous sales. The year ended with the traditional activ– it ies: senior picnic, banquet, and ball. Richard Abbott Scott Ackerson Mary Agne Helen Ames Peter Andrews Bruce Angellotti Nancy Archer Robert Archer Timothy Archer Four boys head the senior class. Seated are Timothy Parsons, vice– president, John Sparaco, president . Standing are Terry Deery, treasurer, John Zagata, secretary, and Mr. Frank Gallucci, adviser. 16 RICHARD C. ABBOTT: Mathematics, science, language majors. Chess Club 3,4; Football 2,3,4; lntramurals 2,3,4; Tennis 2,3,4; Ski Club 2,3,4. GEORGE SCOTT ACKERSON: Mathematics, science, language majors. Football 4; Wrestling 3,4; Band 3,4, president 4; Orchestra 3; Saturday Seminars 3; National Honor Society 4. MARY EUNICE AGNE: Mathematics, science, language majors. Echo 2; Hi-Y 2,3,4; Latin Club 2. HELEN BETTY AMES: Mathematics, science, language majors. Pep Club 3,4; Ski Club 2,3,4. PETER JOHN ANDREWS: Mathematics, sc1ence majors. BRUCE ANGELLDTTI: Business major. NANCY LOUISE ARCHER: Mathematics, science, business, home econom– ics majors. Library Club 2,3,4, president 3. ROBERT WILLIAM ARCHER: Mathematics, science majors. TIMOTHY J. ARCHER: Mathematics, sc1ence, language majors. Swimmmg 4.