Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access
SHARON LYNN AUERBACH: Mathematics, science, language majors. OHSan 4, section editor 4; Future Teachers of America 4; Future Nurses Club 2,3; Saturday Seminars 4. JAMES C. AUSTIN: Mathematics, science majors. Chess Club 3,4; Cross Country 2,3; Tennis 2,3,4; Soccer 4, co-captain 4; Swimming 2,3,4, captain 4. JOHN M. BABBITI: Mathematics, science, shop majors. Bowling 3,4. EMILIE JEANNE BAGG: Art major. Ski Club 2,4. GEMMA BAGNAROI: Home economics major. MARTHA A. BAKER: Mathematics. science, language maiors. National Honor Socoety 3,4; Girls' Leaders Club 2,3,4, vice-president 4; Pep Club 2,3,4, vice-president 3; Ski Club 2,3,4, treasurer 3, vice-president. 4; Band 2,3,4, secretary-treasurer 4; lntramurals 2,3,4. Barbara Baldwin James Ballantine Barbara Barnes Dennis Baumgardner Diana Beadling Deborah Beang 17 Sharon Auerbach James Austin John Babbitt Emilie Bagg Gemma Bagnardi Martha Baker BARBARA BALDWIN: Science, art majors. JAMES A. BALLANTINE: Mathematics, science, language majors. Cross Country 2,3,4; Golf 4; Track 2,3; Echo 3,4; Chess Club 3,4; lntramurals 2,3,4. BARBARA BARNES: Science, business majors. Library Club 3. MARY BARRETT: Mathematics, science majors. Varsity Choir 4; Dramatics 2; lntramurals 3; Ski Club 3,4. ELAINE MARIE BARTON: Mathematics, science majors. Varsity Choir 3,4; Girls' Choir 2; Echo 2; Hi-Y 2,3,4, treasurer 3, district treasurer 4; Pep Club 2; library Club 2; Future Teachers of America 3,4. CAROLYN FIELD BASSETI: Mathematics, science, language majors. Hi·Y 2,3,4, president 4; Library Club 2; National Honor Society 4; Natoonal Merit Letter of Commendation 4. BAUMGARDNER: Mathematics, science majors. Track 2,3,4; Wlrr;onnur;oos 3. CHARLENE BEADLING: Mathematics, science, language, art majors. National Honor Society 3,4; Hi-Y 4; Saturday Seminars 4; National Merit Letter of Commendation 4. Transfer from Milford Central. DEBORAH JO BEANG: Mathematics, language majors. Girls' Leaders Club \4; Pep Club 2,3; lntramurals 2,3; Varsity Choir 2,3,4.
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