Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access

Ann Colwell Charlene Conley Catharine Corsi Patricia Cortese John Couden Rhonda Crandall MARGARETTE RAVEN CUNERO: Mathematics, science, language majors. Varsity Choir 3,4; Library Club 2; Future Teachers of America 3,4; lntramurals 3,4. GEORGE W. CURRIE: Mathematics, business majors. Track 3. GORDON DALEY: Mathematics, science majors. Baseball 3,4; JV Baseball 2; Soccer 4; lntramurals 3,4. LINDA L. DALEY: Mathematics, science, language majors. Student Council 2; Pep Club 3,4; Future Teachers of America 4. ELIZABETH JEAN DAY: MathematiCS, sc1ence majors. Orchestra 2; Student Council 4; G1rls' Leaders Club 3,4; Ski Club 2,3,4; Gymnastics 2,3,4. RONALD G. DEANE: Mathematics, science majors. (No picture) CAROL ANN DECKER: Mathematics, science, language majors. Cheer· leader 4, treasurer 4; JV Cheerleader 3; National Honor Society 3,4; Student Counc1l 2,3; Girls' Leaders Club 2,3,4, treasurer 4; Girls' Choir 2; Foreign Exchange Student to South America 3. TERRANCE MICHAEL DEERY: Mathematics, science, language majors. Football 3,4; JV Football 2; Basketball 2,3,4, captain 4; Tennis 2,3,4, captain 4; National Honor Society 3,4; Varsity '0' 2,3,4, vice-president 3, president 4; Ski Club 2,3,4, treasurer 2, vice-president 3. CARL JOSEPH DELBERTA: Science, art majors. LINDA S. DELELLO: Business major. lntramurals 2,3,4. 20 Seniors ANN l. COLWELL: Science, business majors. Pep Club 4; Future Nurses Club 3,4; Library Club 2,3; lntramurals 2,3,4. CHARLENE HOEPPNER CONLEY: Mathematics, science, language majors. Band 2,3,4; Orchestra 3,4; Dramatics Club 3,4; lntramurals 3; Hootenanny Club 3,4, vice-president 4; National Thespian Society 4; National Honor Society 4. CATHARINE ANN CORSI: Mathematics, science, home economics majors. Library Club 3,4, treasurer 3; Future Nurses Club 3,4. PATRICIA A. CORTESE: Mathematics, home economics majors. JOHN COUDEN: Mathematics, science majors. Library Club 2; Outing Club 3; Band 2; Football manager 3,4; Science Club 4. RHONDA SUSAN CRANDALL: Mathematics, science, language majors. Pep Club 3,4; Future Teachers of America 4; Ski Club 2,3,4. Margarette Cunero George Currie Gordon Daley Linda Daley Elizabeth Day Carol Decker Terrance Deery Carl Delberta Linda Delello