Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access
Seniors PAULA SUE FARMER: Mathematics, language majors. Future Nurses Club 4. VALERIE F. FAWCETT: Science, business majors. Pep Club 2: Ski Club 3,4. BARBARA R. FLUMMER: Mathematics, science, language majors. Varsity Choir 3.4: Girls' Choir 2. ALEXA C. FORREST: Mathematics, sc1ence, art majors. OHSan 4, editor– in-chief 4: Sc1ence Club 2,3: Outing Club 2,3: National Honor Society 4. ROGER A. FRANCE: Mathematics, science, language majors. Track 2,3,4: Varsity Choir 2,3.4: Chess Club 3; lntramurals 2,3,4. HELEN FRAZIER: Mathematics, business majors. Orchestra 2,3.4: Varsity Choir 2,3,4. LEILANI D. FRAZIER: Music major. Varsity Choir 2,3,4; Hi-Y 4; lntramurals 2,3,4. ROBERTA A. FRENCH: Mathematics, science, art majors. Future Nurses Club 4; lntramurals 2,3. JOSEPH DAVID FRIEMAN: Mathematics, science, language majors. Basketball manager 2,3; Echo 4, business manager 4; Student Council 4: Key Club 2,3,4, president 4: Dramatics Club 2,3: lntramurals 2,_3,4; Sk1 Club 2,3,4, treasurer 4; National Honor Soc1ety 4; Nat1onal Ment letter of Commendation 4. Joan Polley, delegate to Girls' State, holds one of the completion certificates presented to Don Gratz, Dave Yager, and Bob Kalweit after studying state government at Boys' State. 22 Paula Farmer Valerie Fawcett Barbara Flummer Alexa Forrest Roger France Helen Frazier Leilani Frazier Roberta French Joseph Frieman Sharon Miler and Don Gratz, varsity choir members, practice music for the All State Choir convention iri December, held at the Concord Hotel in the Catskills.
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