Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access
Grace Petronio Christine Pizza Debra Platt Mr. Gallucci, senior class adviser, presents awards to the winners of the magazine sales. They are John Babbitt, Bill Joslyn, Bob DANIEL ANDREW PARKER: Mathematics, science, language majors. Student Council 4; National Honor Society 3,4, vice-president 4; Chess Club 3,4, president 3,4; lntramurals 2,3,4; Dl!becchanalii 3,4: Soccer 3,4; National Merit Letter of Commendation. TIMOTHY DAVID PARSONS: Mathematics, science, language majors. Football 2,3,4; Basketball 3.4: JV Basketball 2: Baseball 3: JV Baseball 2: Key Club 3,4, secretary 4: Sk1 Club 4. KITTY PATIDN: Mathematics, language, business majors. SANDI L. PAYNE: Business major. industrial arts, vocational GRACE PETRONIO: Mathematics, science majors. OHSan 4, section editor 4: Foreign Exchange Student to South America 3: Band 2,3,4; Ski Club 3,4; Pep Club 3,4: Hi-Y 2: Future Teachers of America 4. CHRISTINE PIZZA: Mathematics, science majors. Girls' Choir 2.3: H1·Y 4: Future Nurses Club 3,4. DEBRA L. PLATI: Mathematics, science majors. Future Nurses Club 3: Girls' Choir 2. Eaton, Mary O'Malley, John Russell, and Terry Lang. The seniors netted profits of over $2,600, the highest ever achieved. 29
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