Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access

Working in the darkroom, Dave Magellan sets the timer to develop a roll of film. As part of his job as Echo photographer, Dave takes pictures at many school functions. Bobbie Schwaninger Nan Segal David Shearer Joel Sheesley Larry Shultis Carolina Signorina Linda Silliman Barbara Simonds Jeffrey Sisson Priscilla Garhart and Marc Wetmore admire two new plaques the Echo staff won at the Empire State School Press convention in September for front page makeup and photography. 32 Seniors BOBBIE JANE SCHWANINGER: Mathematics, science majors. Future Nurses Club 2,3,4, corresponding secretary 4; lntramurals 3. NAN SEGAL: Mathematics, science majors. Band 2,3; Hi·Y 2. OAVID SHEARER: Mathematics, science majors. Ski Club 2,3,4; Gymnastics 2. JOEL CLARK SHEESLEY: Mathematics, science majors. JV Basketball 2; Soccer 4; Band 2,3,4, vice-president 4; Orchestra 2,3; lntramurals 2,3,4; National Honor Society 4. LARRY ROBERT SHULTIS: Mathematics, science majors. Table Tennis 2; Tennis 2; Soccer 2,3; Band 2,3.4; Orchestra 3; lntramurals 2,3,4. CAROLINA T. SIGNORINO: Mathematics, science, language majors. G1rls' Choir 2,4; OHSan 2; Pep Club 3,4; Dramatics Club 3,4; Future Teachers of America 2,3,4, treasurer 3, president 4; lntramurals 2,3,4; National Thespian Society 4; National Honor Society 4. LINDA MARIE SILLIMAN: Business major. BARBARA A. SIMONDS: Science, business, vocatiOnal school majors. JEFFREYS. SISSON: Science, industrial arts majors.