Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access
Genevieve Thomas Janet Thomas Jacqueline Thompson Michael Tilli Pamela Townsend Carol Tubbs Linda Tyler Wade Utter John Vagliardo Seniors GENEVIEVE THOMAS: Science major. Future Nurses Club 3,4; lntramurals 3. JANET A. THOMAS: Science, business, vocational school majors. EDWARD A. THOMPSON: Mathematics, science, shop majors. (No picture) JACQUELINE A. THOMPSON: Business major. Girls' Choir 2,3. MICHAEL JAMES TILLI: Mathematics, science, language majors. Ski Club 4; Chess Club 4; National Honor Society 3.4; Transfer from Newburgh, New York. PAMELA S. TOWNSEND: Business major. Student Council 2; lntramurals 2,3,4; Gymnastics 2,3,4; Ski Club 2,3,4. CAROL TUBBS: Mathematics, science, language majors. Band 2,4; Varsity Choir 2,4; Echo 2,4, editor 4; Foreign Exchange Student to the Netherlands 3; National Honor Society 4. LINDA L. TYLER: Mathematics, science, language majors. Student Council 4; Hi·Y 2; Future Nurses Club 2,3,4, president 4; Color Guard 2. WADE UTTER: Mathematics, science, language majors. JOHN PAUL VAGLIARDO: Mathematics, science majors. JV Basketball 2. Celebrating their victory as top magazine salesmen, Fredda Kleinman, Pam Ludlam, Virginia Leamy, and Leslie Joseph enjoy their pizza and coke. June graduation becomes more of a reality for Arlene Wislous as she is measured for her senior cap and gown. 34
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