Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access
Cheri Bateman, like many other juniors, spends much of her free time in the guidance office leafing through catalogues. , . 38 College emphasis causes iunior year of indecision Caught in the turmoil of countless examina– tions and important decisions, juniors squeezed in time for the activities that made this year so enjoyable. The stimulation of ob– taining upperclassman status, the sense of be– longing, and the thrill of wearing the school ring, cont ributed to a memorable year. The emphasis was on college. Colleges sent representatives to the school to meet inter– ested students. Juniors took numerous tests in preparation for college acceptance. Many stu– dents made use of the facilities of the guid– ance office including pamphlets, films, re– cords, and college bulletins. It was a year of confusion and indecision, of fun and activities, of hard work, and hope. It was junior year. HOMEROOM 106 - Front row: P. Agnew, B. Bubnell, A. Burdick, S. Bliss, J. Briguglio, C. Bateman, S. Anderson, K. Bruce, Second row: M. Ahern, B. Allmend inger, B. Bree, G. Bagg, T. Adamovitch, K. Bowles, V. Bryant. Back row: D. Birch, G. Borden, M. Banta, A. Beach, G. Carvin, T. Anderson.
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