Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access

BOARD OF EDUCATION-Mr. Robert C. White, superintendent of schools, Dr. Stephen Jambra, administrative assistant, Mr. John K. Dunn, Mr. Thomas E. Hickey, Dr. Charles L. Youmans, Mr. Gabriel Harris, vice-president: Dr. Charles W. Hunt, Mr. Mr. Robert C. White Superintendent of Schools 46 Ani P. Colone, president, Dr. John R. Leahy, Mr. Roger G. Hughes, Mr. Edward S. Onody, assistant for business, Mr. James VanWoert, treasurer. Board continues its improvement policy The state scholastic evaluation , the renovation of the Junior High School, and the new vocat ional school mark this year's highspots of activity for the Board of Education . The State Education Department evalu– ated the instructional and business programs of the schoo l system. A series of supervisory visits and classroom observations resulted in constructive criticism for the dist rict. Improvements in the Junior High School inc luded such safety measures as closing the well and installing smoke doors on the stairways . The school district joined the county in sharing the expenses and services of the new vocationa I school. Fo llowing his nomination by fellow School Board members, Dr. Charles W. Hunt received the Distinguished Service Award presented by the New York State School ·Boards Associa– tion. Dr. Hunt has participated in the field of education for 63 years.