Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access
Mr. Belden foresees future challenges During the past fours years, Oneonta High School has acquired modern facilities to complement its excellent scholastic ratings. It has received a ten-year accreditation and has vastly increased · student opportunities. Both the smooth transition and overall excellence can be attributed primarily to Mr. Belden and his staff . Looking toward his twenty-th ird year as principal , Mr. Belden forsees a period of expansion in all areas so that students may take complete advantage of the facilities provided by the new high school and local colleges . The school must not only improve the opportunities for students to learn and think originally and creatively, but it must also teach the students to live in a demanding society without losing their individual identities . Mr. Belden enjoys ta lking with Mr. Pirone, Mr. Lambros, and Mr. Picolla as they relax during a morn ing coffee break. At the right, he stands by the door leading to the courtyard. 47
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