Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access

STUDENT COUNCIL - Front row: N. Syron, J. Ritchko, T. Peebles, E. Gordon, S. Dana, C. Bateman, A. Lewis, E. Day, M1ss Frances Johnson, adviser. Second row: C. Torrey, B. Whittemore, J. Bolton, K. Cower, C. Levine, D. Zagata, A. Sparaco, R. Perry, J. Blanchard. Third row: T. Parker, T. Deery, J. Hawley, S. Close, D. Parker, R. Kn1skern. Fourth row: J. Zagata, J. Merz1g, D. Merzig, R. Kalweit, treasurer, J. Polley, secretary, D. Yager, president, J. Wilson, vice-president, D. Gratz, J. Taylor, D. Erbe. SC supports better school communication; As part of the Student Counci I fund drive, Dave Yager and Nancy Bresee sell blue and gold shakers to Diane Wickham and Janet Escher who will JOin the cheering section at the football game. 82 A gaily lighted Christmas tree and music by Rex Pryor's orchestra create a holiday spirit for couples at the Mistletoe Magic dance in the cafeteria sponsored by the Council.