Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access

Corie and Paul Bratter (Kristin Rose and John Wilson) support her mother, Mrs. Banks (Sharon Miller), who unexpectedly collapses into the newly– weds sixth floor apartment. When Paul instructs his mother-in-law that she should have rested on the way up, she retorts, "I did ... but there were always more stairs." Early arrivers at the Bratters' brownstone walk– up are the Telephone Repair Man (Robert Kalweit), who finds it odd that anyone would want to "live up here...every day" and the Delivery Man (Francis Colone),who manages to gasp only one comment, "Argh! " NATIONAL THESPIAN SOCIETY - Front row: R. Hughes, C. Signorine, J. Fletcher, L. Huyer, A. Robinson, V. White. Second row: D. Collins, B. Will, J. Martm, S. Frisbee, J. Bolton, K. Rose, F. Colone. Third row: S. Miller, C. Conley, J. Blanchard, C. Soued, D. Gratz, treasurer, J. Wilson, R. Kalweit, Mr. John Chamard, adviser. 88