Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access

After discovering that Paul has returned coatless, barefoot and somewhat inebriated, Corie asks, "What have you been doing?" Paul slurs, "What do you think I've been doing? I've been walking barefoot in the goddam park." Dramatics Club enacts Broadway play On the evening designated to bring together Corie's mother and the Bratters' neighbor, Victor Velasco (Donald Gratz}, only Corie and Victor have the energy and spirit to enter into a chorus of "Shama shama!. ..."a song learned during their hours at a Greek restaurant on Staten Island. 89 When Velasco explains to Mrs. Banks that the "doctor" who removed her clothes the night before was not an M.D. but a Doctor of Philosophy they both break into gales of laughter, much to Corie's agitation.