Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access

Comprising the newly formed trumpet trio are Joel Shee– sley, Scott Ackerson, Richard Hall. During half-time, football enthusiasts watch band members end their routine as they form the symbolic '0' before playing the Alma Mater. BAND - Front row: R. Kniskern, J. Super, M. Gallup, C. Warnkin, S. Pindar, D. Vandermark, D. Morley. Second row: Mr. Richard Picolla, director, C. Conley, C. Winans, C. Tubbs, C. Limerick, D. Wickham, uniform manager, G. Petronio, V. White. Third row: C. Hale, S. Miller, M. Baker, secretary-treasurer, N. Bresee, P. Kurtz, D. Janes, S. McCrea, L Huyer, librarian. Fourth row: D. Reinhardt, D. Harder, L. Shultis, D. Haines, T. Jordan, J. Osterhoudt, M. Stockin.