Oneonta High School 1968 Yearbook (Oneonta, NY) - Full Access

Members of the color guard present the flag and perform routines during the football season. They are Carolyn Levine, Pamela Sousa, Janet Escher, Susanne Smith, Audrey Lewis, Diane Collins, and Charlize Stone. Band forms trumpet trio, plays at concert BAND - Front row: D. Brienza, B. Bubnell, S. Gonser, R. Hall, D. Panko, F. Haines, K. Clarkson, A. Leahy, head drum major. Second row: D. Danzi, M. Oliver, C. Byam, P. Cerra, R. White, S. Ackerson, president, J. Sheesley, vice-pres•dent. Third row: C. Bateman, J. Lettls, R. Caiaua, E. Winans, C. Bloom, D. Conley, D. Yager. Fourth row: P. VanBuren, R. Jordan, M. Nevill, N. Baird, J. Pizza.