Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
CHARLES ALDEN "Chuck" Phi Beta Hi·Y, Explorer Scouts, teen can· teen, C.A.P., soccer ... likes roller skat· lng, dances, hunting, boat~ and cars ... will be an engineer or join Air Force alter college • • • admires a neat g irl with a pleasing personality; "Hi, there." JEROME BERNSTEIN "Jerry" PresodO'n1 of Spanish Club, I.R.C., Phi Beta Ht·Y, bend, TOWER plans for a businen career alter college ... likes fishing and New York Yenkees , •• di" likes talkative women . "How 'bou1 tha1." WILLIAM ANDERSON "Andy" Color guard, chorus, Bookkeeping Club, I.R.C.. Phi Beta Hi·Y ... dMbition, to be a successful accountant and own his own home • . • spends lime roller skating and typing .•• "Tough on you." DOUGLAS BOHR "Tugwell" Vice-president of color guard, chorus, See Scouts hobbies, drewtng, boating, patntlng, cars and reeding sea stories . futvre mortician. GORDON BECK "Skippy" Sea Scouts, I.R.C.. cnorua . . • plans to be an aeronautical draft sman ... nobbies racing boau, hunting snd fishing • . • peeved by waiting for the family car . . . likes ell sports . . . "How about thatI" ADRIENNE BOMAR "Adrienne" Plans ro auend business school and be- como en accountant . ~dmircs a good sense of humor • d•slikes conceited people.
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