Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

Do You Have a Child Aged 4-13? ACTIVITIES EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM Arts and Crafts Campfires Camp Newspaper Dancing Dramatics F1shmg Nature Study Gardening Movies Music Photography Riflery ATHLETIC PROGRAM Archery Badminton Baseball Boxing Circle Games Dodgeball Fencing Handball Hand Tenn1s Hiking Horseback Riding Indoor Games Pmg-Pong Shuffleboard Soccer Softball Squash Swimming Tennis Volleyball Wrestling Dear Parents: Here is the DAY CAMP you have hoped tor and your children need. If you a re summer residents or permanent residents. JOY ACRES will solve your chdd's and your summer problems. JOY ACRES DAY CAMP o tters every athletic and cultural facility for the all - round development and growth of each individual camper. Initiative and self– reliance. the ability to work and play with others. self-confidence and similar qualities. are stressed throughout the day by a well -balanced. progressive program of athletic and cultural activities. These are all conducted under the supervision and guidance of a staff of expenenced teachers and tramed counselors Rainy days are enjoyable days at JOY ACRES. Our large and spacious Rainhouse, Nature Room. Arts and Crafts Shop. and air-conditioned Recreation Hall pro– VIde every facility for play during inclement weather Rest periods are arranged for at appropriate pe– riods of the day. Milk and cookies, or ice cream are served free of charge. JOY ACRES DAY CAMP otters all the advantages of a "sleep-in" camp with none of the d1sadvantages. at such a reasonable fee that it is within the reach of the average family. Your child is at home every eve– ning. You can observe his progress. his health and his enthusiasm at the end of each exciting camp day. JOY ACRES DAY CAMP VALLEY COTTAGE. NEW YORK Call or Wnte Execut1ve Directors MR. and MRS. M. STERN 257 South Broadway. Nyack. N Y NYack 7 2058 106