Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
® POTD~VIN , __ Have you ever stopped to think of the tremendous mdustry requ1red to produce the bag in which you buy your candy at the corner store, or the bags in which your mother receives her groceries, or the bag in which you carry home your new hat from the loca l department store? The paper bag, of course. starts at the forest w1th the loggmg mdustry The logs go to the paper mills where they are crushed to pulp which is the basic ingredient of paper. The finished paper IS then shipped to bag convert– ing plants throughout the country where it IS converted into paper bags Supplying the logging industry. the paper mdls and the convertmg plantl> wi th steel, chem1cals, transportation and power, are hundreds of other industries. Like most of us. you probably take these bags tor granted . Yet they represent years of evolution and development. They represent the contribu– tion in labor and skill of thousands of men and women in offices and fac – tories. They represent billions of invested dollars They represent Amenca– and the high standard of living which we enjoy. The huge paper bag industry is part of the America 1n which you soon are to take your place Your contribution to 1t, along with millions of other individual contributions, combine to form the future of America. Make your contribution a worthy one. POTDEVIN MACHINE CO. Make rs of Pape r Bag Machine ry TETERBORO. NEW JERSEY ---------- ---------------- 107
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