Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
HELEN MARIE BOSCO " Helen" lOWER picrure editor, C.Y.O., Thc!– pians, Sigma lambda Hi·Y, I.R.C.. C.E Club. Hostess Club, G.A.A., G.O., chorus bukerba I, volleyball, 1occer • Jokes summer vacations. Dodgen. football gamu ancf knouong •.. plans to be an e 1 emen11ry scl·.ool reacher . . . admires crew curs J. WESLEY BRIU JR. " John" Hi. B.A... , collects stamps ... plans to go into business upon graduation admires pleasing personality. RICHARD BOWERS " Dick" Teen canteen, Hi·Y, Servoce Squad, Retail· ing Club, Woodshop Club, lOWER Bus•· nesss Staff, Senior Scouts . will JOin Navy after school cars motorcycles, cooking and skarong occupy much of his rime . . . "I have news lor you." CARL BROOKS "Spider" Captain of Service Squad, Sec.·lreas. of leaders' Club, Junior Rotarians, Nyack A.C., basketball, football, bowling, base– ball •.. won J.V. football moll valuable player award and varJity baseball sports· manship award . . • would like to play pro-baseball and retire at an early age ... "Bad boy." DONNA BRILL " Donna" International Relations Club, Hi. B.A. ..• plans ro enter nurse's training and then get marroed . hobbies are cooking and sewing. \ .. \ JAMES BROWN " Nose" Captain of basketball team, baseball, foot· ball, track • . . after the Navy he plans to be a physical education instructor ... collects records . . . dislikes disagreeable people and Dodger fans ... "Come on, will yal" ( 18)
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