Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
KURLAND MOTORS. Inc. ..._ DeSOTO - PLYMOUTH Repairs of All Makes Auto Body and Pai nt Shop 9W and 6th Ave Nyack. New York NYack 7 -0601 Compliments of NYACK BUICK COMPANY, Inc. 222 Main Street Nyack, New York NEW AND USED CARS Open Evenings t ill 8:30P.M. "For Better Buys. Buy From BUICK" NYack 7 -2160 114 C. M. TRAVIS, Inc. CEMETERY MEMORIAL) 225-231 Main Street Nyack. New York NYack 7 -0567 I 35-39 Raymond Avenue Poughkeepsie, New York Poughkeepsie 2236 MAIN DINER "Best Coffee in Town" .. "Best Diner in Nyack" ... John M Lousigian. Prop 115 Main Street Nyack. New York Tel. NYack 7-0068
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