Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
Compl1ment s o f BURNWEIT MOTORS . In c. Mam Street and Midland Ave Nyack. N. Y. NYack 7 1077 NYack 7-2069 NYACK AUTO BODY CHAS. SEE. Prop. " If We Can't F1x lt-C1ve It Away" 262 Main St. Nyack, N. Y. Compl1ments o t JAMES HOYLE CO. Plumbing and Heat ing 23 Hudson Ave . Nyack. N Y. NYack 7 -0092 YOUNG FASHIONS WEARING APPAREL For Boys and Girls Toddlers Teens 103 Mam St. Nyack, N. Y. 119 Phone HA 9 -5678 THE GIFT SHOPPE L10nel Trams Toys - Office Supplies C1fts 7 New Main St. Haverstraw, N Y Compl1ments ot SIGMA LAMBDA HI-Y Pres1dent ........................ Bobb1e Travis Vice President .................... Helen Bosco Secretary ........................ Mary DiNardo Treasurer .............................. Gerry Vice Chaplain ...................... .. Rosylm Roman Sergeants-at-Arms ........... Joan Schuler Jackie Del Pizzo Adviser ............ .. .... ............ Flotina Zirps Compliments of NYACK HIGH SCHOOL CAMERA CLUB "The Shutte rbugs" Pres1dent .............................. R. Merkert Vice President .......... .... E. Schweikardt Secretary .. ........ ........ .......... H. Neuman Treasurer .................................... A. Feo Adviser ....... .. ............. .. .... ........ C. Zinn A. Pulverteft J . Lefebvre J . Koblin Compli ments of HOMER B. LYDECKER & SON 21 Sou th Broadway Nyack, N Y.
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