Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

NYack 7 -0084 J ewe ler 95 Main Street Nyack, New York Compliments of ANN'S DRESS SHOP Mr. and Mrs. J. Schneider Nyack. New York Compliments o f MAXWELL'S 3 South Broadway Nyack, New York VAN HOUTEN & BECK, IJtc. Hardware - Paint - Class Boat Supplies 78 South Broadway Nyack, New York Tel. NYack 7-0007 121 WEST NYACK COUNTRY STORE Herbert Stever, Prop. Ha rdware - Glass - Home Accessories Pittsburgh Paints ADJOINING POST OFFICE Free Delivery NYack 7-2495 ROCKLAND REFRIGERATION CO., Inc . 127 Main Street Nyack , N. Y. Frigidaire Products Bendix Products Compliments of MOCK and McCLOSKEY FUNERAL HOME NYACK. NEW YORK Compliments of STEVE'S BEAUTY SHOP Nyack New York