Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

JOHANNA BROWN "Jo" Sec. of Spenosh Club, Thespians, I.R.C., TOWER, Hi·Y, Young Judea, Y.P.l., Latin Club, Raonbow Girls, basketball, bowling .•• ambition, to be a set designer ••. likes painting, drawing and witty people ••. "What a riotl" ALBERT FRED CASTALDO " Fred" Football, bowling, baseball, Service Squad .•• pro bowling is his goal . . . per peeves, Brooklyn Dodger fans end being broke ... likes all sports and New York Yankees ..• "What ya say, eo;e?" WINIFRED M. BRUCE "Winnie" Co-president of I.R.C.. G.O., Sigma Gamma Hi·Y, Larin Club, W.I.R.C., Col· lege Enttance Club. Thespians. TOWER basketball, soccer, hockoy • . . future pia"'' include college and a ltip around the world ••. enjoys being with people who are a lor of fun. PAULA ANN CEVASCO "Paula" G.A.A., Marinen, I.R.C., College Enttance Club, volleyball, basketball, soccer, bowl· lng, riding •.. ambition, to ariend col· lege and be a physical education reacher • . • enjoys saiiing and roller skallng . • • admires an oll·around personality in opposite sex ... " Hay-o." CAROLE C. CAPONE "C.C." Sponlsh Club, W. I.R.C., TOWER, Thcs· plans, I.R.C., Sigma lambda Hi·Y, C.Y.O., bowling, tennis •.. spends spare moments playing the piano • • • hopes to work with the Spanish Embassy or U.N. • . . "i Valgame Dios·" GARY ROSS CHAIZE "Huss" Alpha Hi·Y, Tappan Boys' Club, De Molay, Chcmlsuy Club, French Cluo, wrestling, swimming, tennis . . . future N.Y.U. dontillty school student . • . collects stamps when nor fishing • , • personaliry Is high in his raring of girls . . . "Dig out, Nowt.''