Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

BETTY ANN CHAPMAN "Bets" Pres. of color guard, chorus, Sigma Gam· ma HI·Y, sohb4ll •• . plans for a secro· tarial career then marriage . . roller– skating and swimming head her liat of hobbies . . admires neat, ambitious boys • . . "Pretty clever. ANGELINE CONACE "Angie" Sigma lambda HI·Y, TOWER, softball, basketball, volleyball ... secretarial job lies ahead for her . . . likes New York Yankees, dancing and music ... notices color of eyes in opposite sex . . . "Really?" • DAVID COHEN "Dave" Big Injun, Thespians, Y.P.l., College Entrance Club. Explorer Scouts, I.R.C., latin Club, wrestling . . . a career in journalism is his aim . . . hunts and fishes in leisure hours . • . football games and western music are tops with him ..• "What ya' got, worms?" MICHAEL CONDELLO "Mike" Pres. of G. 0., Phi·Beta Hi·Y, I. R. C.., "Y" Dance Club, R. C. G. 0. C., J. V. football, varsity baseball, Boys' State, Jr. Rotarians . . . enjoys music and dancing .•• wants to secure a good position in life, both financially and socially . • • admires a nice personality • . . "little girl." DOROTHY COLLINS "Dee Dee" Sec. of G.O., Junior Sec. of G.O. Court, vice pres. of chorus, I.R.C., Thespians, frosh. J.V. and varsity cheerleader, R.C. G.O.C., quecn's lad:··in·waiting, sohball ••• plans to be a private secretary and live in luxury • • . collects records and keeps a dairy as hobbies. CAROLE ANN COOKE "Cookie" Sigma lambda Hi·Y, Rainbow Girls, Chem· istry Club, TOWER, Thespians, County Hi· Y Council, soccer, hockey, riding, bowling . . . plans for marriage after a nursing career •.• dislikes being teased ... ad· mirl!s a good disposition and ready smile . .. " Hey, boy." (20)