Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
IRENE CREAN " I" C. Y. 0 .. TOWER, I, II. C.. Sigma lambda Hl·Y •. . futuro plans lncl..do junior col· lege • • • collects souvenirs • • • likes footba ll games, denting and swimming ... "Oh, no-t" ANTHONY J. DELLOLIO " Jeff" Baseball, football, baskc:.rball, bowling •.. furure member of U. S. Marines .•. collects spons' magazines and records •.. likes sociable girls and exciting boll games per peove is ergulng . , . "Why, nol" FRANK WILLIAM CUFF, JR. "Cuffie" Varsity baseball, football, I. R C basket· ball . . would hke ro porch for the Gi1n1s or the Yankees • • Oodg"rs don't rare wirh hom • . arrracred by sharp dressers ''Why, no 1" RODERICK DELPHOS "Rod" Baseball, basketball, soccer, Y.M.C.A. Rockers, Rockland County Bowling Club league . . . phystcal education Instructor or baseball coach ls his goal .. • hobbles, scoring baseball and baskorbail games; collecting baseball pictures and stories ••. You're krddin'l" MARY JANE DAVIS "Mary'' Softball, basketball, swimmong . , . future secretary ... hobbies, dancing and roller· skating . • good foolts, neatne~s and personalory count wirh her in 1udgong opo poslrc sex . "Naturally " JACQUELINE DEL PIZZO " Jackie" Hi·Y, Tnespians, C. Y. 0 ., Hosren Club, I. R. C., varsity cheerleader, G. A. A., all girls' sporrs .. . intends to uain for nurs· ing profeuion ar Mr. Sinai Hosphal ... enjoys knirring and reading .•. admires athletic boys whn crew curs . . . per peeve, gelling up In the morning . . . "Well, say now- "
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