Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
ADELE DE VRIES "Biondie" G. A. A., soccer, softball, basketball, vol· leybdll, hockey, twirling •.. future pions include modeling or being on Interior decorator ... ambition, to own her own lightning sailboat ••. pleased with boys who are taller than she is • . . "Go on now!" LOIS DUPONT "Duppy" I.R.C., Sigma lambda Hi·Y, C.Y.O., Thes· pians, bond, chorus, basketball, W.I.R.C.. bowling . . . future telephone operator . . . irritated by egotistical boys . . . likes western music, horses and skating ... "What's cooking?" MARY LOU OJ NARDO "Mary" Sigma Lambda Hi·Y, I. R. C., Thespians, C.Y.O.. G. A. A., soccer, hockey, basket· ball, bowling, softball, tennis ..• wants to build a home by the ocean .•. plans a future in secretarial work ... admires a cheerful personality ... "Don't lor It bother you." RAYMOND WARREN FAIVRE "Boo" Ph,·Beta Hi-Y, Ski Club, Westminster Fel· lowship. Spanish Club, track, football ... hopes to open his own business after col· lege, or be a Naval Arr force pilot . hobbies, hunting, fishing and working on motorcycles ... "Do it, Huu." DONALD MICHAEL DONNELLAN "Donny" Plans to enroll in Uncle Sam's Forces upon graduation . . . hobbies, hunting and sleeping •. . dislikes work and Dodger fans ... rates opposite sex on neatness •.. "You know what I mean." JOHN ROBERT FARGASON "Jack" sw.mming, hunting, fishing 0 0 0 future car· penter . . hobbies. guns and working on "the Ford" . . likes everything bul g~tls who talk roo much . . . "Get 'em all, Tennessee." (22]
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