Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
JOHN E. FAULKNER JR. "Jef" Explorer Scouts, Pho·Bete Ho·Y, teen can· teen, Service Squad, football, swommong . college " on the near futuro lor him likes can, guns and ftshing • • . ''Would yo?" WILLIAM JOHN FELTER "Willy" Pni Beta HI·Y, soccer, baseball, G.O. College Entrance Club, swimming future mcchanlc:ol engineer .•. dancing and hotrods rate high with him . . . spends time fixing hos Ford •.. "Well, lah de dah." RUTH FEENEY "Chicken" O.l S baseball ream • dmbohon " to be· come " dramatiC actreu . hobby Is wrotong short stories new addltoon to N.H.S pet peeve is beong called "Koddo" quoet places irk her " That's the way the boll bounces." JULIA FENTON " Julie" Thespians, TOWER, C.Y.O... , Intends to become a nurs~ •• . wants to travel end merry in the far future , .. plano playing takes up her leisure time. ALAN EUGENE FELTER "AI" Chorus, Chen Club hopes to be one of the flrst to go to the moon .•• hob– boes, model aorplanes and radios . . . li~es anythong mechanical . • "I don't know, what ore you going to do. thongs are bad all over." ANTHONY FERRETTI "Tony" Clarkstown Rod and Gun Club ... plans to get a good position after graduation . , , likes hunting and fishing • , . " Lum lum."
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