Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
DONALD GALLO "Donnie" Chorus, Service Squad aspires 10 be· come a chiropractor adm~tes women wilh nice personaliriu ao1d good loo~s dislikes people callong hom by his lasl name hobboes, phorography and building model aorplanes. ROBERT GILMORE " Gil" ln1ends ro become a commercial artisl . . . hobbies, hunrlng and flshing admires girls who can ralk 1hemsolves ou1 of any si1ua1oon .• "Well. what MO you going 10 do?" HELEN GEICK "Geickie" G.A.A., Mariners, C Y.O.. bukelball. soc· cer, so!1ball, ping.pong. swrmmrng, Thes• poans, rwirling, I.R.C., TOWER • . • am· borion, 10 go 10 Europe on a saifboa1 fu rure norisl deSigner rollertkallng, sailing, riding dancing rare hogh w11h her . "Where's George?" MICHAEL GNOUTCHEFF " Mike" I.R.C., Colicge Enrtance Club, soccer, vol· leyball, swimming . future chemical engrneer . . . enjoys bridge, dancing, good music and horseback ridong • . admires cheerful and friendly girls .. pa$1ime, reading hos1orlcal novels . . . "Vamos!" ELIZABETH MARY GIACOBBE " Betty" Pres. of Thespians, C.Y.O., Sigma lambda Hi·Y, Mariners, College Entrance Club, I.R.C.. TOWER, queen's lady-in-wailing, ronnls swommong likes dancing and scoence .•. admires boys who are ope11· m10ded . . dislikes firsr impressions "Airighlee" GERALD JOHN GROSS "Jerry" Jr and Sr. Claas Pres, Pret leaders' Club, Pres. Phi Be1.:. Hi·Y. Capr wresrli11g 1eaon, "Y" Dance Club, Service Squad, Coun1y Hi·Y Council, soccer, croa country ..• hobboos. molorcycles and his car . . . admires girls Wolh personality, abilrly, looh "You said a boo boot''
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