Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
JAMES GULEZIAN "Fenton Mole'' Soccer, basketball, baseball, Hi·Y ambition, to become a profenional ball· player ..• likes the Yanks, Ed Stankev and Mel Allen .. pei peeves, Brooklyn Dodger Fans ... " How about thatl" RICHARD HOEHN " HoHo" HIB.A., Horticulture Club Pres., Pres. of O.S.C.Y.P.• crou country, I.R.C., Photog· raphy Club .•. aspires to be a commer· cial photographer . . . likes ice skating ... "Well, how about thatl" CAROLE JOYCE HECHT "Carole" Sigma lambda Hi·Y, I.R.C.. Thespians, TOWER, Y.P.l., bowiing ... aspires to be a nurse . . . peeved by people that are never on time ... "You know what I mean." SONIA CATHERINE HORNVAK "Sone" Sigma lambda Hi·Y, C.Y.O., Thespians, I.R.C., TOWER, G.O., bowling, soccer, solrball, Hostess Club . . . collects rec· ords . . . plans to marry a baseball star ... pel peeve, boys who dn't act their age . . . "Alrighty." LOUIS HELLWIG ''Louie" Service Squad, football, ""restlong, base· ball ... roors for the St. louis Cardinals ... will allend college . . pastimes. reading, eating and watching television . . . ambition, to gel rich quick . . . ''Pret1y cool." SARA JANE HOUSMAN " Sally" Snaps Editor of TOWER, Thespians, Hos· teu Club, Sigma lambda Hi·Y, queen's lady·in·waiting, I.R.C., chorus, soccer, So· dality, softball, bowling, basketball ... ambition, to become five feet tall •.. admires personality and sense of humor in opposite sex ... "Oh, isn't he a doll?" [26]
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