Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

ARTHUR HYMAN ''Artie" Ba•eball, soccer. W.I.R.C.• band . .. am· biflon, 10 be a sporls announcer . . . likes mu>ic, pay thecks and Salurday• . plans 10 attend C.C.N.Y. or N.Y.U. . . . pastime is walthing sports' cven1s • .• " Hey Mole." ROBERT EDWARD JOHNSEN "Bob" Choru>, band, soccer, College Entrance Club, Alpha Hi·Y, "Y" Dance Club, TOWER. ThMpians, N.Y.S.S.M.A., I.R.C. . , . am· bilion is to become a dv;( engineer . . . hobbies are singing, Axing his car and rollerskarlng , . . likes rhe "gang" and dandng , , , "Dig our, gang." JENIFER JEWETT "Gus" Feature Edlror of TOWER, Sigma Gamma Hi·Y, teen canreen sec.·treas., Musical Arrs Club, baskerball, •oflba!l, ueas. of "Y" Dance Club, I.R.C., The~pians . . . pel peeve, -anti·social people . . likes "The Crowd" and parrie• . . . "O.K. gang– lei's d ig OUI. " HELEN KEFELI "Helen" French Club, Larin Club . .. ambition is 10 become a linguiSI . .. l.avorh pastime• are coliecling sramps and reading admires inielligence, manners and a good sense of humor. BARBARA DAGMAR JOHANSSON "Boots" Sigma lambda HI·Y, Thespian5, TOWER, chorus, reen can1een, I.R.C., Ho51es5 Club, soccer. baskerball ... ambotoon is to Ira– vel .. . likes rollerska1ing, dancing, cruis· ing and sewing . inlends 10 become a nurse. CHRISTOPHER GEORGE KELLY "Skeets" Treasurer of Senior Clan, C.Y.O., leader&' Club, I.R.C.. W.I.R,C., baskeTball . , • future leather • . • enjoys travehng and playing !ennis ... admires friendly g irls who have a sense of humor . . . "Hi, •horty."