Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

JAMIE H. KING JR. "Pete" Hi·Y, soccer, Scouts ... ambition Is to be happy . .. spends his time writing, sail· ing end working on his "car" ... en· joys good books and food ... is peeved by dominating women ... "Oh, fer pity's thake." PATRICIA MARIE KOMONCHAK "Pat" Editor·in·Chief of TOWER, I.R.C., Honor Society, College Entrance Club, Thespian~. G.A.A., Pres. of Hostess Club, Spanish Club, C.Y.O., Children of Mary, basket· ball, soccer, softball, volleyball, bowling . . . alms for elementar{ school teach· ing . . . politeness and a sense of humor rate high with her. LAWRENCE M. KLAINER "Larry" TOWER, Thespians, I.R.C., Photography Club, G.O., Alpna Hi·Y, County Council, "Y" Dance Club, tennis •. , ambition Is to teach modern history and economics at the college level . . . received A rating in piano at state music festival . . . admires poise in opposite sex . . . "In any event-" ROBERT A KOPENHAVER "Kope" Basketball, baseball ... intends to marry and retire a millionaire .• . likes Notre Dame, Sunday parties and sociable women • . . hunting is hi• pastime . . . "What say, Huss." SALLY KNIGHT "Sally" Tower, Thespians, Sigma Gamma Hi·Y, I.R.C., Youth Fellowsnip, frosh, J.V. and varsity cheerleader, hockey, soccer, bu· ketball . . . plans to attend college . . . dislikes being teased about her laugn ... .. 0 lf ir 1 s not one thing it's another." RUTH HELEN KOSEL "Ruthie" Sigma Lambda Hi·Y, Hostess Club, Rain· bow Girls, I.R.C., Sec. o f Thespians, TOWER, "Y" Dance Club, soccer, hockey, basketball, bow:ing, softball, volleyball ... know·lt·alls irk her . . . enjoys dane· ing and cooking ... pastimes are knit· ring and reading. (28)