Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
OLGA KOULOMZINE "Leshka" I.R.C., TOWER, Ho1ten Club, Thespians, lith Grade, Orematic Club, volleyball, bukerball . • . f111ure plans include a rrip to Paris • • • has an exrreme aver· sion to jau ..• favorire pasrime Is drew· ing .. , "Step on it." KENNETH LAIRD "Fuzzy" HunTing, flshing, boars ..• wanTS To join Navy and stay in for twenTy years . . • likes a red convet1ible and having fun wlrh the boys. CLAIRE PATRICIA KUNIK "Egg-Clair" PaSTimet are cooking end sewing . would like to marry and reose a fam1ly of four ••• likes cowboy music . . . pel peeve is being called Clarabelle. BARBARA LESTER " Bobbie" Thespians, Hi·'l' ... keeps gold fish and knick knacks ... parrial ro sailors and convertibles . . • d islikes suave blondes . .. admires male nearness . .. "Is thar right?" GLANDON R. LAING " Danny" Larin Club, Science Club, A'pha Hi·Y, f.R.C., TOWER, C.A.P. • furure airlines p1lor ..• enfoys good food and working with mechanical appararus . . . hu en aversion to conceued people and righr handed lecture chairs ... " Nurs." PATRICIA LOUISE LESTER "Pat" Sec. of College Entrance Club, Sigma Gamma, W.I.R.C., HoSiess Club, Big lnfun, TOWER, Thespians, G.O., frosh, J.V. and varslry cheerleader, "Y" Dance Club Sec., I.R.C., g irls' sporrs •.. future nurse hobbies, making her own clothes and knlrrlng . . . likes Bowling Green STu· denrs ... "Who, me?"
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