Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
PAUL LIEVAL "Evi l Leeval" College Entrance Club, I.R.C., Alpha Hi·Y, Latin Club, Science Club, wrestling, foot· ball ... wants to go to college and make piles of money .. , likes fishing, hunting and can ... "Floor it, Newt." LAWRENCE LOFTUS "Larry" Alpha Hi·Y, Science Club, College Entrance Club, Tappan Boys' Club, wrestling, base· ball ... hopes to go to college and then make his second million •.. collects de· tention slips . . • dislikes little spokes acting like big wheels. JENNIFER LINTON "Jennie" TOWER, Sigma Gamma Hi·Y, Thespians, "Y" Dance Club, I.R.C., bowling, hockey . • . plans a career alter college . . . wants to live in a log cabin ... admires sincerity in opposite sex .. likes people who enjoy themselves ... "What do they think we're running here?" ALBERT LOGIODICE "Goog" C.Y.O., football, Service Souad .. . hopes to be a millionaire bachelor living in Hawaii . • . enjoys cooking clan and shop ... "What say, Shirl?" FREDA JEAN LITTLETON "Jeannie" I.R.C., Thespians, Sigma Phi Hi·Y, West· minster Fellowship, bowling ... plans to get a good job alter graduation . likes rollerskatlng and sewing ... col· lects snapshots . . • good dancers are tops with her ... "You know." GENNADY KLIMENKO LUBINSKEY "Genya" College Entrance Club, I.R.C., Camera Club, Chess Club, soccer, volleyball, track . . . future plans include college and aeronautical engine.:ring . . . likes to make voyages and visit operas ... hob· bies, reading and music ... "Ufe is a struggle." [30]
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