Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
SHEILA ANN M•cKENZIE "Sheila" Thespians, I.R.C., Sewing Club . . . in· tends to be someone's secretary •.• col· lecll records . . . likes rollcrskoting and good tunes . . , abhors homework . . . "What the heckl" JOHN McCORMICK "Jack" C.A.P., chorus . . . would like to own a concert grand plano ... hobbles, pho· tography and collecting records • , . falCinated by Broadway show• , . , ad· mires a girl with a good sense of humor ... "Right away." FRANK McCARTY "Mack" Alpha Hi·Y, Tappan Boys' Club, chorus, soccer, baseball ... aims to be a mil· llonaire ..• hobbies, hunting and fishing . • . likes hot rods and wood working ... dislikes homework and owing money . . . "Ger '"em all ,_ MARY JANE McDERMOTT "Jane" TOWER, Big Injun, Sigma Gammo HI·Y, C.Y.O., I.R.C., College Entrance Club, Theapions, frosh cheerleader, G.A.A., "Y" Donee Club, basketball, soccer, volleyball ... aspires to be a secrotory , . , enjoys sports and loafing •.• dislikes tests and bossy people . . . "Don't let It worry you." DAVID McCORMICK "Dave" I.R.C.. College Entrance Club, Photog. raphy Club, swimming, track . • • wants to win an Albany·New York outboard marathon . . would like to retire as soon as pouible . • • roots for Notre Dame and the Dodgen ... "Play ii cool." GRACE VERONICA McMANUS "Grace" Sec. of Jr. and Sr. Class, Senior Write-ups Editor of TOWER, Feature Editor of Big Injun, G.A.A., Honor Society, College En– trance Club, chorus, I.R.C., G.O., Sec. of Sigma Gamma HI·Y, Sodality, Thespians, Hostess Club, soccer, basketball, bowling, softball, tennis . . . plans to be an oiCJo mentary school teacher .. . enjoys music.
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