Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

MARY KATHRYNE McNULTY "Honey" Sigma lambda Hi·Y, I.R.C., Thespians, TOWER, bowling .. . future includes col· lege and a career es a lab technician dislikes dull parties ... "Huh!" STANLEY METLITZ "Stan" Pres. of Phi-Beta Hi·Y, Vice-pres. of Coun· ty Hi·Y Council, Thespians, Service Squad, leaders' Club, Capt. cross country, wres· tling, tennis, track ... earned wrestling medal •• . dislikes getting pinned In a wrestling match ... "Howdy." JANE MEREDITH "Jane" G.A.A., basketball, volleyball, softball, soccer, hockey, bowling . . . plans to get a good position as a secretary ... d islikes homework and doing d ishes ... "You don't say?" JAMES ANTHONY MIELE "Jim" C.Y.O., Service Squad, chorus, baseball , , . aims to play pro ball •.• likes con· vertibles, planes and the Giants . . . ad· mires good looks in opposite sex dislikes wise guys and sore losers . . , "That's cool." GEORGE MERWIN "Mer" Sec. Phi Beta Hi-Y, cross country, Horti· culture Club, track ... aims to get out of school and secure a good paying job ..• likes camping, county fairs and being active ..• dislikes getting up in rhe morn· ing ... "That's for surel" BRUCE HARTWICK MILLER " Bruce" Alpha Hi-Y, OeMolay, soccer, be~seball . , . plans to be a success after college ... likes weekends, swimming e~nd driv· ing . . . hobbies, hunting and fishing .. . d islikes making decisions ..• "Yeah." (32)