Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

SALLYANN MOCK "Sallyann" I.R.C., Thespians; "Y" Dance Club, French Club, Sigma lambda HI·Y, Hostess Club, TOWER, College Enrrance Club. Rainbow Girls • • . future Includes college . . colleclt china animals and march covers ..• admires neatness. HELEN MUELLER "Helen" Chorus, Riding, Hostess Club, Girls' Intra· murals, Honor Society . . . Secretarial career or a life on a farm is her goal ... likes nice clothes and roller skating • . admires polite boys with nice personalties ... "I don't know." .... CAROLYN JANE MORGAN "Carol" Vice-pres. of Jr. and Sr. Clou, Pres. of Sigma Gamma Hi·Y, I.R.C., Thespians, "Y" Donee Club, Sig Injun, TOWER, Hostess Club, chorus, G.O. Court, County Hi·Y Council, soccer, hockey, bowling, baskel· ball, ping-pong, Ski Club, 11th Grade Dramatic Club •.• plaM o college career • • . peeved by her short srarure "As a metter of fact, Yes." JANICE EDITH MULLER "Spec" Sigma Gamma Hi·Y, Hostess Club, Rain· bow Girls, I.R.C., Thesp.ons, College En· trance Club, County HI·Y Council, W.I.R.C., Teepee Talk, Ski Club, 11th Grade Ora· marie Club, latin Club, bowling . • .• aims to see the world upon graduaiion from college ... "Oh, srrlfel" MARLENE ANN MORRISOHN "Mimi" Twirlers, Thespians •.. colleen souvenirs . peeved by boasting people ... ad· mires a near dreuer. ROBERT TURNER MYERS "Bob" 4·H, soccer • . . jazz enthusiast . . . dis· likes anything that doesn't swing . . • hobb1es, jau records, rt'IOtorcycles, can ... "ov·ya·coo."