Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
HARRY J. PEARSALL "Crash" Plans ro get a good job oher graduation • enjoys working on c.-rs •.. peeved by nar tires .•. "Hello my man." LAWRENCE A. PIA " Larry" C.Y.O., football, baseball . . . hobby, Oxing cars •.• Yankee fan . .. plans ro get a good job after greduatio:ln . • . en· joys minioruro golf ..• "let's be gerrin on the ball." LYDIA PENKRAT "Lid a" Thespians, chorus, TOWER, I.R.C., Kappa Bero Hi·Y, W.I.R.C., Hosress Club, llrh grade Oramaric club, bowling, volleyball, College Entrance Club •.. plans a teach· ing career . . , likes clas,ical music and crossword puzzles . . . annoyed by high her low brows ... ''Feed ir; ir moghr go away." JANICE BERNDTSON POLHEMUS " Polly" I.R.C., Thespians, chorus, Spaniah Club, College Enrranc.o Club, Hostess Club, TOWER, Sec. of Young People's Society . . . hobbies, photography and sewing ... likes good music •.. "Re•lly? Nlce l" CHARLES PETERMAN "Ching" Au'r. Feature Ediror of Big Injun, Thes· pians, Alpha Hi·Y, TOWER. I.R.C., C.A.P., wrestling, track ..• hobby, model rail· roading • . . ambiTion, ro earn several million •.• future includes college ••• "Nuh.J'_. SANDRA LEE PORTZ "Sandy" Faculty Write·ups Editor of TOWER, Big Injun, Thespians, Sigma lambda Hi·Y, i.R.C., College Entrance Club .•. plans a career after college . • ambition, ro join a fra ternity .•. enioys dancing and awimming . . . admires friendliness "Golly deyl"
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