Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
LOUISE POUNDS "Pounds" Thespians, G.A.A., Sigma Lambda Hi-Y, soccer, basketball, bowling, hockey, soh· ball . , . ambition is to become an inter· ior decorator . . . collects photos . • • enfoys meeting new people . . . "That's fabulous." MADELYN MARY PROBERT C.Y.O., Thespians, Sigma lambda Hi-Y, TOWER, I.R.C., Sec. of Hostess Club, G.A.A., softball, hockey, soccer, bowling, tennis . . . hopes to be a success . . wants to travel ... likes knitting, driving and football ..• "You beasll" ROBERT PRINDLE "Wink" Treasurer of G.O., Leaders' Club, Phi Beta Hi-Y, TOWER, Junior Rotarians, County Hi-Y Council, baseball, soccer. C.Y.O., basketball . .. N. Y. Gianr fan ... plans to attend college ... "Real cool." IRENE ROMANDA PROCOPIOW "I" Sigma Lambda Hi-Y, Thespians, W.I.R.C., TOWER, soccer, hockey, basketball, soft– ball, bowling, ping-pong, volleyball • . . plans to attend Packard Junior College after graduation . ... ambition, to be a buyer for a large concern . . . admires sincerity ... "Where's Harvey, Phil?" HAROLD MORRISON PRINGLE " Splinter" Basketball, track . . . won 1st place broad· fump and 880 relay medals in county track meet; 1st place 440 relay ribbon in sectionals . . . aspires ro be an Olympic broadiumper ... hobby, collecting clip· pings of sports' events . . . "What say boys?" RUDOLPH C. RAMCKE "Rudy" Senior G.O. Court Judge, captain of soc· cer ream, Phi Beta Hi-Y, reen canreen, De· Molay, Junior Rotarians, baseball . . . plans future in mecha'lical or aeronauti• cal engineering . . . automobiles and hunting occupy much of his time . . "What say, hot rod?" (36]
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