Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
MILDRED ELAINE RIPPEY "Millie" Thespians, I.R.C., W.I.R.C., chorus, band, College Enrrance Club ... enjoys p!aying piano, drawing, reading . . future in· eludes college. ANNE H. SCHOFIELD "Nancy" Art Edllor of TOWER, News Edhor of Big Injun, rreasurer Sigma Gamma Hi·Y, lreas· urer Honor Society, corresponding se:. Thespians, I.R.C., College Entrance Club, G.O., Hostess Club, soccer, basketball, bowling, legion of Honor . • • plans a career in the art field . . would like to live in Hawaii. ROSELYN SHIRLEY ROMAN "Rosie" C.Y.O., Thespians, TOWER, G.A.A., I.R.C., Chaplain of Sigma lambda HI·Y, Ski Club, basketball, •oftball, bowling, soccer, vol· leyball ••. ambition is to rravel . . . likes swimming, music, dancing, tennis and being active ••• "Yeah?" HENRY SCHRIEVER "Hen" Plana to be a doctor ••• baseball is his hobble •.• likes the Yankees • .. d is· likes homework and dentills . . pel peeve loud·mouthed people . . . "So whatI" KENNETH ROSSI "Ross" HunHng, fishing , trapping •.. enjoys fix· lng cars ••. Yankee fe n ... ambition to be a good fisherman ... plans to be a carpenter .•• "Too muchl" JOAN CAROLE SCHULER "Jo" Pres. of G.A.A., Sigma lambda Hi·Y, I.R.C., C.Y.O., Thespians, TOW!:R, Inner Circle, Ski Club, volleyball, softball, soccer, hockey, bowling, basketball, tennis, ping• pong .•. likes music, aporh and having fun •.. "You know?"
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