Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access
GEORGE SENNE "S" C.A.P., wrestling, Hi·Y, Y.M.C.A. spends lime hunting, fishing, rollerskating and swimming ... ambition is to be Air Force jet pilot . . . likes Giann and a ll sporrs .•. "That's fabulous." PATRICIA SHAW " Pat" I.R.C., bowling, basketball, W.I.R.C. enjoys art and records ... ambition is to be a home economist . . . admires neatness and tallness. DIVINO F. SERRATORE " Div" Y.M.C.A., basketball and baseball . . , hobbies, cars and rollerskaring . . , plans ro join the Navy ... likes rhe Yankees bur d islikes homework .•. "What say, my men?" PHYLLIS P. SHEFSKY "Phil" Hosress Club, swimming, volleyball, Sigma lambda Hi·Y, basketball, soccer . . . plaM ro become a career girl and lead a leisurely life •.. likes a ll sporrs dislikes 8rh period . . • "Really?" JUDITH LEAH SHAVER "Judy" Business Editor of Big Injun, I.R.C., band, chorus, Sigma Gamma Hi·Y, College En· rrance Club, Thespians, TOWER, Jewelry Club, G.A.A., 11th Grade Dramatic Club, soccer, hockey, basketball, bowling, Ski Club . . . likes tennis a nd music . • • "Oh fiddle faddle l" VASSILY SIVAKOV "Vasia" College Enrrence Club, Chess Club, vol· leyball . •. college and mechanical en· gineering are his goals .. . likes rravellng and learning languages . .. admires gaiety and friendliness ... "Goshl" (38)
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