Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

LINDA E. SMITH "Lin" I.R.C., Spanish Club, W.I.R.C., German Club. College EnHance Club, basketball, softbell, volleyball ••. ambition is to seo the world . . . p:aM to go to Albany State College for Teachers . . . likes for· eogn lengueges . .• d islikes reading ... "That's shrewd." PATRICIA DOROTHY SPITZER "Pat' Thespians, twirling, softb~li. bowling, Hi· Y .•• collec!S trophies from a football hero . •. plans " secret~rial career ... admires well·drened boys with nice builds . . . "Hey nowl" MARY ANN SMITH "Mary" French Club, I.R.C.... ambition. to rido in a helicopter • • • eims to be a nurse ••. colleds postcards ... likes baseball end football games ..• admires neatneu .• . ''For crying out loud." ., 1 ANABEL MARGARET STANLEY "Bunny" College Entrance Club, TOWER, Thespians, l.R.C., Sigma Lambda Hi·Y, W.I.R.C., latin Club, Musical Arts Club, N.Y.S.S.M.A., soc· cor, chorus . . . would like to be a singer at the "Met'' ... likos music, par· ties and "The Crowd" . •• "O.K. gang, let's dig out." VIRGINIA HARRINGTON SMITH "Ginny" Sigma Phi HI·Y, Riding Club, I.R.C., Thes· pians, W.I.R.C., TOWER, chorus •. . hopes ro become a secretary or receptionist ... horses, football gemes end nice clothes are tops with her .. "George!" DONALD STARKE "Don" OeMoley, Tappan Boys' Club, band would like ro pley with a top band •.. plans ro loin rhe Air Force In the near futur~. • . .• h~bbies, .~shing and hunting . . . The kod ol cool.