Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

JOY FRANCES STERN "Joy" Presidenr of Honor Sociery, l.ltC., Thes· pians, W.I.R.C., College Enrrance Club, TOWER, Sigma Lambda Hi·Y, G.A.A., In· ner Cirde, Y.P.L., Young Judea, bowling, baskerball, volleyball, ping-pong ... am· bilion, ro graduare from college ... col· lecrs miniarures ... dislikes homework and dull parries ..• "AlreadyI" MARGARET EDITH STOOTHOFF "Peggy" Thespians, I.R.C., Sigma lambda Hi·Y, soh· ball, hockey, soccer, volleyball ... plans ro finish high JChool and become a sec· rerary • . collecrs phoros . . . dislikes hi11ory ... "Well, bully fer you." ' ... FRANCES JANET STEVENS "Fran" C.Y.0., Twirlers, I.R.C., Hosross Club, TOWER, Library SraR, Honor Sociery Sec.• bowl1ng, Sigma Lambda H1·Y, Paramus Roller Club ... plans ro become a good socrcrary and make loads of money . likes rollerskaring . . . "I rhoughr I'd die." LAWRENCE GRANT SUCSY "Soose" Co-president of I.R.C., President of C.E. Club, Spom' Ediror of Big Injun, Thes· pians, Explorer Scouts, C.A.P., Traveling Medicine Show, Camera Club, Alpha Hi·Y, Science Club, TOWER, wr~sriing, !rack . .. enjoys hunring and fishing ... furure col· lege 11udent . • •. "Up rhe creek on a marble slab full o' holes withour a pad· die." ROBERT EDWARD STEWART " Bob" College Enrrance Club, I.R.C., Science Club, Sea Scours . . . ambirion is ro be an aeronaurical research engineer . . • furure plans indude Naval Air Force hobbies, model airplanes and radios ... "Come on a my house." ROBERT McCALL TAYLOR " Bob" Vice Pres. N. Y. Stare Hi·Y Cabinet, Pres. Alpha Hi·Y, Pres. Counry Hi·Y Council, Vice Pres. Counry Honor Society, Pres. "Y" Dance Club, Business Manager of TOWER, I.R.C., Thespians, Junior Rorarians, TOWER phorographer, Traveling Medicine Show, College Enrrance Club, Leaders' Club, Honor Society, foorball, wrestling, rrack . . . plans ro auend Cornell • . . "Where's Kleiner?" (40]