Nyack High School 1952 Yearbook (Nyack, NY) - Full Access

CAROL LEE WILLIAMS "Carol" G.A.A., College Enrrance Club, TOWER, Hosress Club, I.R.C., soccer, ba•kerball, hockey, bowling, volleyball, softball, Kap– pa Sera Hi·Y .•. plans a career in nun· ery school ieaching or working for the F.B.I...• enfoys rraveling and derecrive s1ories • "Hey!" I EDWARD WILLIAM WOOD " Bill" Chess Club, golf, College Enrrence Club, TOWER, Tallman Mr. Boys' Club, Latin Club . . • collecu sramps • . . ambition is ro graduate from U. of North Carolina and be a news reporter . . • "Oh, bor· schtl" ROBERT WILLIAM ZIEGLER " Bob" C.Y.O., basketball, football. baseball .. likes hunrlng and sw1mm:ng , .. admires personaliry ... "Hi, dolls.'' [43]